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Peaceful LIFE.

Monday, September 07, 2009

The past year...

...has been a roller coaster ride in the true sense. After a hiatus of more than a year(OMG!) , I have much to blog about and a single post just wont do. I shall, in a series of posts , paint out the changing , merging shades that coloured my life in the past year.As they say , change is the only constant. And changed I have , in subtle , yet profound ways. But I'm happier. I'm more at peace.And that is what matters.

Conquer the tempest
that rages within,
Explore , endure , excel and you will know...
Its the battle that teaches
more than the win...

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Monday, June 23, 2008

All I want ...

Why does life have to be all about making choices?

I , for one , am not interested in compromises.

I want it all. And I want it my way.I do not want to let go and I will not let go of all that is precious and all that is not- too- precious as well.

Call it die-hard optimism plus sheer tenacity or just some illogical thoughts of a headstrong 20 year old.

All I want is everything. Is that really too much to ask for?



Saturday, June 14, 2008

Life in general , and relationships in particular , are so complicated.


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Monday, April 14, 2008


We were standing at opposite corners of the room.

Our eyes met.

He waved at me , asking if I had cleared the group discussion round.

I nodded and in gestures , asked him the same. He nodded too.

His face was shining.
The face of hope.
Of beating the odds.
Of happiness.

I was truly happy for him.
Although he didn't clear the next round I will never forget his face at that moment.
I think of that particular moment , of emotions frozen in time..and a slight twinge of sadness dissolves in that lake of beautiful emotions.

That indescribably beautiful moment,special in an inexplicable way is something I'll never forget...

I wish he'd made it.
But my heart tells me there are better things waiting for him.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Me & Dad : Part 1

Guest (warm smile) : So , Priyanka how old are you?

Dad (bright effusive smile) : She turned 19 in September.

Me (apathetic look of that's my Dad for you ) : I turned 20 in August.

Guest : eyes wide open , looks at my dad in part amusement , part shock

Dad : uh..haha .. er..jus trying to hide her age...shaadi bhi toh karani hai

Me : * I roll my eyes *
* I am still rolling my eyes *


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Its been sooo long!

I WILL update soon.

I promise myself.

I've got loads to write about.

I just don't have the time.


Monday, August 27, 2007


is what makes me feel grown up
is what makes me feel I have to grow up
is what makes me feel like I have grown up . A lot.

I wasn't really looking forward to my birthday.
But now that its come , there's this sort of sweet melancholy....more sweet than melancholic actually , if you know what I mean.Its the kind of feeling that I relish in a most strange way. It reminds me of the way wine tastes in my mouth. Red wine.

The winds of change have begun blowing and this time , its towards the right direction.And I'm quite happy. I can't believe what I've been waiting for , since so long is finally happening. All this time , hope was all I had. I sought solace by telling myself that if I could survive this , I could survive anything in life.Now that I can see light at the end of the tunnel , I'm just scared to be totally , completely happy. There's this slight streak of fear that makes me wonder if this might just be some kind of illusion. The winds of change also bring along something new...something I hope , I won't disappoint and I hope it doesn't disappoint me either. She tells me to just let go , to just flow freely . Why am I finding it difficult? I'm beginning to try , though . :)
Its strange , you know , when what you want , comes your way , without any efforts whatsoever...and then you start wondering if this was what you really wanted.

One thing is for sure , there's a reason behind everything that happens. And this time the reason is staring at me with such intensity , that its nothing but obvious. But I'm ok now. I crashed into that wall of glass , but I'm wiser !

This is my first birthday without a cake. Again , the taste of wine....

This birthday of mine coincided with Raksha Bandhan.....wine...the taste of wine...

I spent the evening with Kid and Yash . Thanks for everything ! You guys make me feel so special ! umm..the taste of wine..white wine ..and ..beer !!

Happy, content , a li'l intoxicated and twenty years old! Thats me ! :)



The Girl

I'm cool , I'm smart , I'm all the things you wish you were...!

Get Engrossed !!!